
September 17th, 2018
Renewable Energy meets High Performance Computing - E. AUDIT
Driving Advances in Energy with High Performance Computing - S. HAMMOND
Overview of EoCoE Application Support Activities - P. GIBBON
Materials for energy - M. CELINO
Using Direct Relation Graphs to accelerate forecasting simulations - Z. NICOLAOU
Parallel Data Interface - a library to decouple applications from IO concerns - J. BIGOT
The european energy research alliance - A. GAMMA
Multiscale simulation of the thermal properties of materials for energy applications - P. ASINARI
CFD for Wind Energy - H. OWEN
High-Performance Computing at Exascale: challenges and benefits - M. LOBET
The AGMG solver in EoCoE application codes - Y. NOTAY
Parallel I/O: Benchmarking and common pitfalls - S. LUHRS
Systems Analysis with Artificial Intelligence based Planet Gamification - S. LISGO
Towards the modelling of ITER relevant plasmas: main outcomes of EoCoE - Y. SARAZIN
Continental-scale high resolution terrestrial hydrologic modeling over Europe - B. NAZ
On the predictability of extreme wind and pv power forecast errors – an ultra large ensemble approach – - J. BERNDT
Performance evaluation of accelerator enabled linear algebra libraries / booster architectures - S. BRDAR
Advanced numerical methods for plasma-edge simulations in tokamaks - G. GIORDANI
Best Practices on code profiling - J. LABARTA
Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities and their control for ITER - G. HUYSMANS
Tokamesh : A software for mesh generation in Tokamaks - H. GUILLARD
Formulation for optimization of CSP storage scheduling under uncertainty - J. CUMPSTON
Computational characterization of passivated contacts for silicon solar cells - U. AEBERHARD
Modeling hydropower production in the Italian Alpine region: statistical vs physically-based approach - A. GALLETTI
Hybrid kinetic-fluid modelling of neutral particles for ITER plasmas - M. VALENTINUZZI
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