L'Université Paris-Saclay fête les 10 ans de l’ERC - Ateliers
9 juin 2017
INSTN, Gif-sur-Yvette
MECHANO-FLUO - Mechanofluorochromism: from molecular engineering to the elaboration of smart materials
Clémence ALLAIN
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:19:25
INCELL - Exploring brain intracellular space using diffusion-weighted NMR spectroscopy in vivo
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:22:36
SLAB - Signal Processing and Learning Applied to Brain data
Alexandre GRAMFORT
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:16:19
bioSPINspired - Bio-inspired Spin-Torque Computing Architectures
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:19:59
Atelier A - Interface sciences physiques et sciences du vivant - Discussion Générale
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:14:24
INsPIRE - Chip-scale INtegrated Photonics for the mid-Infra Red
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:10:26
PROCSYS - Towards programmable cyber-physical systems: a symbolic control approach
Antoine GIRARD
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:15:39
POPSTAR - Low power consumption silicon optoelectronics based on strain and refractive index engineering
Laurent VIVIEN
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:16:06
BigFastData - Charting a New Horizon of Big and Fast Data Analysis through Integrated Algorithm Design
Yanlei DIAO
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:16:38
Atelier B : Génie électrique, optique et informatique - Discussion Générale
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:29:19
COMBINISO - Quantitative picture of interactions between climate, hydrological cycle and stratospheric inputs in Antarctica over the last 100 years via the combined use of all water isotopes
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:17:27
IASI-FT - IASI - Flux and temperature
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:13:58
A2C2 - Atmospheric Flow Analogues and Climate Change
Pascal YIOU
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:28:23
Atelier C - Changement climatique et environnement - Discussion Générale
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:35:56
TRADENET - Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks
Isabelle MEJEAN
Date: 2017/06/09
Duration: 00:34:33
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